Monday, January 12, 2015

NoteBook Of A girl. Entry #5

The white light of day, with its cold blue sky and fluffy white clouds stretched to upon the canvas like a posing naked girl.
The traffic of the back streets of the city limited to the those how know them well. The suits, the workers and the lost travellers on a quest with bed directions. The sound of stationery traffic, echo off the ancient brick,  the impatient beeps and shouted words, lost on foreign ears.
Holding tight to a mug of hot strong brown tea. The heated vapour reaching out in to the cold early afternoon air. The radiating warmth making my fingers and palm feel like summer heat.
Standing watching passers by. The odd lost tourist with bags and iPhones trying to re-find themselves.
Wrapped up with a hood pulled up of the over sized black hoodie, looking like a teenage goth or a teenage Emo all in black, standing by the wall with tea and a cigaret in hand as groups of people walk past.
A smile and a nod from one of the guys that work in the same building, yet I could not tell you his name.
The summer came and went so fast, now here I stand outside work freezing my butt off for a fix of nicotine to get me through the next part of the day. A group of five men wonder and stop out side of the door beside me, placing their bags on the floor, and stand and wait with clip board, pen and paper. Hat scarf and gloves. Is really that cold or am I coming down with something?
An old paved road of uneven bricks, with puddles of water, runs down the centre, parting the building with narrow paths, wide enough only for two people to walk side by side.
Unanticipated  when laid how quick and busy this city might become.
An un predicted future of technology and of life that now traffics these streets.
A puddle of oil and water catches my eye, a rainbow below my feet. dose i mean buried treasure lays in waiting below these cobbled lane. Like a  ‘X’ marked on a map of treacherous seas and un mapped islands

A sip from my white mug with a “Don’t Ask, I’m On A Break” hand written with a sharpie and oven baked to make it stay on its side.
I feel the hot tea slide down to my stomach, making me feel warm all the way through. The smell of McDonalds from a brown paper bag of another that I work with enters the back door, with the bag in one hand and a drink in the other and a back pack on his shoulder .
A sudden burst of laughter comes from the door and four of the men that I work with come out and stand around me passing a green lighter around, each lighting their roll up.- for their mid day fix.
The five of us huddle together like a displaced, ill looking group of penguins all in black trying to keep a little warm. Yet I think I am the warmest with my over sized hoodie and them in their T-shirts jeans and work boots.
Work talk quickly turns to past stories and to comic piss takes of others that we work with past and present.
Jumping up and down with strange dancing to keep warm in jest at other as they began to roll in to the buildings back door
A small group ask directions I turn to face the wall as one of the group decides to be a drama queen while giving then directions he convinces them that he is someone and signs their map, as I stand silently laughing to myself and the wall, once a red brick building, but nows black brown, from the waist of the cites traffic.
With finished cigarets and cold hands arms and feet they slowly head back in to the warm leaving me with an almost cold tea and my thoughts. 
A white van beeps his horn at a group of people walking and standing outside the door to work.
The unimpressed face of the driver shaking his head at the rooted crowd lingering in his path. 
It makes me wonder what goes through peoples minds, their like rabbits caught in the head lights of the on coming traffic, on in this case the on coming driver who decides to slowly move forward down the narrow one way brick cobble road, almost like a cattle herder moving a brainless crowd of London visitors on to the paths.
Taking a mouth full of now cold tea, I tip the last bit upon the dark brick road, the cold light colour fluid flows quickly through the stone brick maze and mixes with the oil and water, turing the  rainbow to a watered down brown blue colour. No longer marking the Spot to the buried treasure at the end of a rainbow. 

© sarah jane patel

Sunday, January 4, 2015

A Brand New Year. Me & My Filofax.

With the start of this year (2015) I have decided to try and be more proactive and organised with my blogs, Job hunting and well every thing.
Over the past two years every todo list, shopping list, and blog todo list has been put on a post it note or scrap of paper and 90% of the time they have been misplaced or put in my back pocket and yes, put through the wash.

Having three days off over Christmas I dug out my old Filofaxes. Yes Filofax’s I have more then one, in fact I have 7 personal planer size, one A5 size, as well as two A4 folders and two A5 flex Filofaxes all of witch have been used or still are being used.
I sat down and looked for refills and printable pages from the pintrest, goggle, and and sights. I ended up watching a load of videos on You tube of other peoples planers. Wow there are a lot of them, some of them are a little samey but all were good to watch. its a insight in to peoples lives creativity and personality, especially those how have blogs and independent businesses.
During my evenings between Christmas and new year I set about emptying my A5 Filofax and stating to set it up and organise it, so that I can keep track of my posts for My Visual Merchandising blog, keeping my portfolio pages up to date, shop reviews, scrap book photo posts, and all the other posts that i need to finish, start and update. as well as its linked Tumblr, instagram, Facebook, and Goggle +.
And for this sight, my blog posts, short stores, and scripts that I still need to type up.and all the other confusing random posts that I have in my note pads.

A Bit About My FiloFaxes.
I have four Domino personal sizes in Gold, Red, Blue, and Bright Pink. 
A personal size Mistral
A personal size Finsbury in Green leather. 
A Graphic Microfibre personal size in Burnt Orange.
An A4 Domino folder in Navy Blue.
An A4 Finsbury in Green leather.
An A5 Finchley in Vintage Rose leather.
Two A5 Flex in Black and Magenta.
The very first Filofax that I brought was a gold personal Domino Which went out on tour with me, holding my production todo notes, shopping lists, hotel and travel details, company, crew and cast details, and my train tickets. A long with my 99p store A4 ring binder holding the script and scores, these were my bible. 

I brought my Finchley in 2006 back in 2006 in Tk Maxx for under £25 (what a find). It has hardly been used as I used it at home keeping track of work and social events. as well as a note pad. when I moved it got put in the book case and forgotten about.
My Finsbury green personal, which I also purchased in 2006 along with the matching A4 folder went every where with me for a year then I slowly brought the Domino’s changing them each year until December 2012 when I decided to use a normal diary, to use as planer and blog planer but they soon became redundant, through the lack of space and the limitation within them.

In 2007 I started working as a Visual Merchandiser, where I ended up using both my Personal and A4 folder.
Over the next four years I used a personal size fo r day to day use, noting when and where I was working, travel details and any information if I needed to stay over somewhere.
Along with a one day per page 45 diary (also known as ‘the brick’ due to its side) which went with me. This had todo lists, event plans, window changes, department moves, mannequin changes, figures and any other information that I needed. 
As well as one of my A4 folders which had staff training notes and any other print outs that I needed.
(This dose not  include the year, month and day check lists and planers that were kept at the store.)
I wish I still had the contents to show as, If I do say so myself was immaculately organised on my behalf.
My Graphic Microfibre personal size in Burnt Orange (Again a Tk Maxx under £20 buy) I use as a address and Birthday book. A very simple lay out using the dividers it came with and extra paper added.
The navy blue A4 Domino folder I currently keep window designs of work and for my blog in. 
The two A5 Flex in Black and Magenta, I am using to keep a sketch book in and note pad, which stay in my bag, so when I am out and about and I see something I want to sketch or make a not off they are both to hand, as well s they protect the pads. I only take one out at a time so I switch between them depending on weather I am feeling girly or goth.
My A5 Finchley, Vintage Rose, I am currently setting up as my blog and job planer. and my old faithful green personal Finsbury as my general day to day planer.
The others are sitting happily on my shelf awaiting a job. Which I am sure I will find.

As of yet I Have not finished putting in all the pages in to my Vintage Rose planer, once I’ve filled it I will post the lay out, and weather It is helping me be more productive with the posting on my sights. and my job searching.

Happy New Year to all. 

Sarah. XxX