Thursday, May 28, 2020

My Writers Notebook.

"What is a writers notebook?"

A writers notebook is a bit of a lose term as it does not necaceroly have to be a bound notebook, it could be a spread sheet, word document(s), notes on your phone, or ring binder.
It is what ever is more practical for you.
It is a place for you to use to be inspired, and or to use as a practical  tool.
Any one that writes for a web site/ blog, or writes novels or factual books will (possible) have some kind of version.

"What am I using?"

For my work I use travelers notebooks, specifically the original standard size form the Travelers company ( inserts measure 11cm x 21cm approximately 4.33in x 8.25in). I did try to use a standard A5 notebook but I found that is was a just little bit intimidating as some times I had 3/4 of a page empty and every mixed in together. 
But with the TN i can have several insert in one cover each for a different use.
My first two are my Travelers Company, Limited edition Pam Am blue and a Camel.

The Blue has three notebooks.
1. article ideas and creative writing prompts.
These have come from Pintrest and other websites. Other peoples ideas can sometimes help with that creative block.
2. Poetry and song lyrics.
Others peoples work can inspiring. Sometimes an idea for a short read or part of store can be influenced by a pome or lyrics.
3. Soundtrack.
Music creates a mood. It can help recreate a memory. So I keep a book listing songs, artist/band, with a note of any lyrics that speak to me. So when i'v been writing along read a song might fit in/ or inspire a certain moment.  Its the question of 
"If this was a film what song would go here"

The Camel Travelers Notebook has 2 books,
1. article ideas and creative writing prompt. 
Yes another both are incomplete, 
2. A dictionary.
I am dyslexic and my spelling is bad. So I keep my own dictionary, with words that know matter how hard I try I never get right. As well as it works as a thesaurus.

"You Know When You're A Writer... When You Have Filled Enough Notebooks To Write Six Novels 
(But Haven't Finished One)."

This quote definitely sums up the collection of notebooks that sit on a shelf in my book case. There are Moleskine, Leuchtturm, Rymans own brand and other random branded notebooks ,all almost filed with notes of post, or complete hand written  draft posts. Some have been partly typed up and then forgotten about, some completely finished put not posted. (There is probably enough content in them for me to post twice weekly for six months maybe more.)

This then brings me too two other notebooks that I use. A Moleskine notebook that I use to draft out posts, my creative writing work, and any ideas that I have. This book tends to come to work with me

Also there is my Ugly Bug Plans, UglyDori, which I have notebooks for each of the long reads I’ve worked on, and are still working on. If I wan to work on one or more, I’ll take the insert out and put it in to my Travelers company planner so I can work on it during my breaks at work.

And a Leuchtturm pocket notebook (which is the same size as field notes just hard cover and thicker. this lives in the bottom of my bag and gets used for, todo lists shopping lists and any ideas that might come to mind while I’m out.

I am think of adding a A5 Filofax in t to the workings. this is because I have a lot of random notes for post ideas, and posts that I have written, some still in the notebooks and others partly typed up. I’m think this way I can a list of articles and at what state of finished they are. 
I would possible keep a list of things that I tend to forget to do, such as shear the posts on social media, and what platforms,  include images, links, and loads more. this would be a laminated sheet to check off. Some sought of calendar were I can mark when I have posted (not just on here but my art site, photography and visual merchandising, so I can see when I post for what site). This is not going a editorial calendar, as I have tried to use one but it failed. Maybe as this was in a bound book which made me feel pressured to use it. were as if I use a undated print out if don't use it I wont feel bad about it.

I do have a dedicated Filofax and notebook for my Visual Merchandising site. 
In the filofax I have sections for;

1. Post editing notes.
Every factual post on their I want to add more information image. and here i have listed every thing that needs to be done and which page of what notebook (1 or 2) it is in. Photos that I want to include, Where they are saved or if I need to take one.
2. New posts that I want to write. 
3. Shop floor pains. 
these are the floor plans form shops I have worked in and use as a reference of some of the posts.
4. Post list.
This is veery post I have posted and its date.
5. References
I have lists of books I have, PDFs that I’ve downloaded and where they are saved, websites I use and follow, even Twitter and Instagram accounts.
6. Blank Paper.

The notebook has all my scribbled notes and diagrams. Is a messy functional notebook.

This is want I am currently using, I hope you enjoyed having a little nosy. and I will post again soon.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

"Chicken Blood, Salt, Five Candles And A Bottle Of Vodka"

“I’m going to need chicken blood, salt, five candles and a bottle of Vodka.” Taking off her kimono handing it to him.
“Vodka? For a spell?”
“No thats just to make me feel better about ripping a hole in the universe.” 
A sudden crush came from behind them, stopping them all once agian.
“CUT… Get him off set.”
“What the fuck?” Turning and looking behind her. Collapsed on the floor with upturned chairs and books was Danny, drunk with a bottle of JD, empty in hand.
“What the hell Danny?” Steve handing the kimono back to her, which she handed to a wardrobe assistant.
“The two of you had better get him out of here.” she whispered to them.
The two of them went and pulled him to his feet. Refusing to surrender the empty bottle. They struggled to lead him of set and to the trailer. 
Pushing him up the two steps and through the small door following him. He dropped himself on the sofa, finally dropping the empty bottle.
“What hurricane went through here?” asked Steve as the two of them looked around at the smashed mugs, glasses, bunches of flowers thrown across the floor, a table that was once fixed to the wall now ripped from its spot and broken in half.
Danny lent forward picking up a partly finished bottle of vodka.
“Some hurricane hell called Tara.”
Steve and Cara looked at each other. Cara sat down beside him taking the bottle from him, opening it before taking a swig from it, pulling a face at the sharp warm taste, handing him back the bottle.
Pulling out some hair pins before pulling off her blood wing, laying it on her lap reviling her short dark hair partly hidden under a wig cap.
“Wigs won’t like that”
“Don’t care” throwing it at Steve
“I hate your sister.”
“Hay you married her. She’s know your problem.”
“And don’t I know it.” Taking another swig form the bottle
“So why did you go all rock and roll on the place?” Asked Steve, Danny looked up at him taking another swig.
“I asked her for a devoice.” looking to Cara. “She refused”
“Why?” shocked that her sister had not told her.
“I caught her cheating.”
He took another mouth full of vodka, putting the bottle down of the floor between his feat, hesitated then pulled his shirt up showing his back covered in bruises.
“What the fuck!” Cara stared at his body, confused and over whelmed, shocked.
“She decided that my golf clubs would be a good thing to beat me with this time.”
“This Time!?”

Just a short piece which I done as a personal challenge of writing two pages in my travelers note through September 2019 (which a failed miserably with), using prompts found on Pinterest. This one originally was from