Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The City She Called Home.

Flying over the city that she had once called home, looked like every other city form above. Yet completely different from when she had left all those years ago.
On the ground parts seamed unchanged, preserved in time. While other parts, complete streets and buildings demolished to make way for the changing times.
Like every other city around the would, whole buildings had been built for the sole purpose of purifying the air and water and solar energy. Building with their mirrored windows and sola panels reflected their surroundings, making the city seam endless.
Standing in front of the entrance to a large collection of stylish tower blocks, with shops on the lower levers and flats, offices, gyms on the other 46+ floors.
This was somewhere that had very much changed.
It was here on this plot of land that her life had changed so dramatically. But it was not within any of these buildings that had grown here. It was what was here before. The Prison…
At the age of 25 she had been sentenced for 45 years. 
She had been at a party, a lot of drink, a lot of drugs had been consumed. As the night went on for its almost second day. The police had been called and not long after they had arrived that it all went south every fast.
Ten people died from taking drugs, because she was the only one found with some on her, that was still alive.
She’d been charged with manslaughter, and distributing drugs.

Five years in to what felt like ten, her and three other women had been approached with an offer.
Their sentences would be reduced or they would receive an extreme amount of privileges if they took part in a tril. They all took it, at the time it seamed good. a way out of past lifes.
The four of them and four men form Pentiville prison got taken up to and isolated estate in the middle of Scotland.
One big house, eight prisoners all serving life, two doctors, four nurses and ten guards. 
Why two doctors? Well if they had questioned more, read the pages of paper work they signed blindlessly, they might have found out more, and what they had signed up for.
Drug users to test drugs.
Four months in they all felt good, what ever they were being given had not really taken affect. small rashes and some sickness but they put it down the good food, fresh air and sun, which non of them had had in a long time.
Six months in, things started to change. all of them became so ill they could not get out of bed, at this point they began to lose their hair and the rashes got worse. So the nurses shaved their heads, making them feel less human.
By the 8th month three of thee were dead and two of them had been quarantined in another part of the house.
Fourteen mouths after they had arrived there was only three of them alive.. By know they had started to ask questions about what was happing, they were told that the others had been taken to another location to recover and that what they were doing would befit their county. 
Three months after they were woken by vehicles out side the house. Managing to get to the window they saw the guards loading up vans, and burning files upon files. Just before they left the four nurse were shot!
They had left the three sick people to die, with hardly any food, water or pain killers to ease the pain that they were in. It was nothing like they had felt before. But some how they survived. 

They had managed to make it to a small village where they were taken to hospital. When the doctors there tried to find out any thing about them their names came up with nothing, their lives had been erased.
By the time she was well enough to leave she had found the other two had been moved to other hospitals but know one knew which ones.

Taking this as a chance for a new start, she took the name of one of the dead nurse that she had befriended, pick pocketed money from the the hospital staff locker room, leaving with the cloths of the dead nurse that she had arrived in, the money she had took and a strange tattoo that they had been marked with while they were ill. - each of them a different mark. Their brand to identify them and a number.

She had not seen sense to go back to London, In stead with her new identity, she traveled, changing her name when needed, never wanting or needing to return until now 200 years later…